Keyword-Level Demographics

Keyword-Level Demographics

On Tuesday I made my speaking debut at SMX East 2011 on a panel with Lena Flanigan (Life Technologies) and the creator of Google Webmaster Tools Vanessa Fox (Nine by Blue). The session was called “Using Searcher Personas to Connect Search to Conversions” and I unveiled a methodology that I think is potentially game changing. Now I want to share this breakthrough with the community that has helped me build a name for myself. Without further adieu ladies and gentlemen of the SEOmoz community I present to you Keyword Level Demographics.

Keyword-Level Demographics Methodology

At MozCon Mat Clayton from MixCloud delivered a mind-blowing presentation called Social Design: How to Co-Mingle Social Features & Earn Traffic in which he revealed that if you add your site as an object on Facebook’s OpenGraph and a user then opts-in you are able to get all of their data. That’s right. Status updates, interests, friend – all of it. I immediately understood how that could affect conversion, in fact Mat told us that their application of Singapore Business Fax List this resulted in a decrease in bounce rate of 55% and an 80% increase of signups. Wow!
MixCloud Performance

Keyword Level Demographics

Fax Lists

We are about to time travel folks and keyword-level demographics are the flux capacitor. Getting the flux capacitor to work is a three part process. The DZ Leads  assumption is that you have read through Mat’s awesome presentation, you know how to add your site to the Facebook’s OpenGraph and have users opt-in to your application. It’s about to get code-heavy here so if you don’t know anything about JavaScript skip to the Keyword Demographics Applications section below, however if you don’t know code and you are feeling daring I promise you I make it simple.

1.Pull the referrer from Search and sessionize it – You do this as soon as the user arrives on the page because they may decide to opt-in later during their session. If you were to pull the referrer at a later opt-in then it would just be whatever the last page on your site that they visited and that will not give you the search referrer.