Among equivalent adjectives

The that consist of more than two parts for example one two three and four . So you place a comma after each part of the list and before the last part you place and instead of a comma.  the beautiful large black designer bag . Before and after an adjustment Madonna the famous singer is known for often starting her performances too late. Before and after an expanding clause My colleague who is not very punctual was late for a meeting again. After the salutation above an email or letter Dear SirMadam You do the same after the closing Kind regards Before andor after you speak to someone Merel how are you today Are you doing well today Merel Come Merel we are going home. Between two person forms Before I leave my house I first check whether I have clos everything properly.

At the end of a quote when another part

Of the sentence follows for example Im going to work soon he said to his wife . The comma comes after the quotation marks. Then we have and . I was previously taught not to Russia Telegram Data a comma before this. Usually this is not necessary but sometimes it can provide clarity especially with long sentences. So place that comma especially if you think it will improve readability. . Semicolon The semicolon as the name suggests is somewhere between a period and a comma.

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This mark like the period ends a sentence

But at the same time makes it clear that Argentina Phone Number List is a connection with the next sentence. Many people can no longer live without social mia Instagram TikTok and Facebook have become an indispensable part of their lives. In addition you use the semicolon in lists where the parts of the list are phrases. There is a period after the last part. In order to process your request we ne the following information how many people you expect what the budget is which activities you are interest in what the start.