Geospatial contextual planning

The is creat. For regional advertisers this BRO data can be combin with areas relevant to the advertiser. spatial data scientist .  Geospatial contextual planning is still relatively rare although. It can be done well with the data currently available in the market. In online planning context is primarily deriv from the content that is consum and other sources sometimes also location if available and what people are searching for. This results in a logic that is well understood by planners and advertisers. People on a car website love cars.

A few years ago at Miabrands

This also partly applies to geospatial contextual planning but it is a bit more complicat. I us CSDigital to use flow data and POI crowd images from Google Maps to see to what extent you can prict per hour what France Telegram Data will do in a certain area. We were able to analyze crowds in thousands of locations per hour around stations. This provid useful insights with dogroups per metro station.Station locations Graphs of Bijlmer Arena and Vlugtlaan Realtime data triggers Contextual planning and messaging can also be bas on realtime data triggers.

Telegram Number Data

This could be temperature

If its raining you advertise umbrellas or sun trips and sunscreen or India Telegram Number sauce if the sun is shining type of vehicle at Shell stations this is possible the name of the city news result of the elections for example crowds in a parking lot or other dates that you can respond to in the advertising message. In addition to data this also requires a lot of creativity. A very wellknown example is from British Airlines BA which us flight data and has a little boy pointing to the plane in the statement. A pricey and oneoff stunt the question is what the incremental effect is compar to a normal expression. The statement did go viral so that is valuable anyway.